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"Private Custom" ACTL Treatment of Breast Cancer
Article Author:admin Category:Breast Cancer Reading:806

Breast cancer is the number one common malignant tumor in women. The American Cancer Society pointed out that approximately 130 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and approximately 465,000 women die of breast cancer. The incidence of breast cancer is on the rise globally, with an annual increase of 2%-3%. , Developing countries are particularly rapid. Compared with other cancers, breast cancer patients suffer not only physical pain (the lack of female secondary characteristics), but also psychological pain (loss of self-confidence) after surgery.

With the continuous increase in the incidence of breast cancer in my country, the younger generation of the disease, and the gradual development of early diagnosis technology, breast-conserving surgery has gradually replaced modified radical mastectomy for breast cancer, becoming the preferred surgical method, and combined with biological treatment, the treatment of breast cancer More targeted, more scientific and more rational, the era of "private customization" has arrived.

Case of ACTL technology for breast cancer treatment
This is a comparison before and after targeted T cell therapy for a breast cancer patient with advanced bone metastasis. Before receiving treatment, there were multiple metastases in the spine and severe pain.

According to immunohistochemical tests, the patient’s tumor cells express Her2/neu, CEA and BA46 tumor-associated antigens, which are the attack targets of ACTL. The infused T cells can accurately eliminate tumor cells expressing these antigens. After four months of treatment, spinal metastases were significantly reduced, the patient's pain was reduced, the condition was significantly improved, and the quality of life was significantly improved. The patient has survived for more than 6 years.
